Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain's Dysfunctional Campaign - Palin ALREADY running 4 Prez 2012

This is amazing. Sarah Palin is SO, SO ambitious: running for lt. governor and then for governor after a short stint as mayor of Wasilla. Now on the national political scene, Palin didn't know - and still doesn't know - the constitutional role of the Vice president and didn't know the vaguest outlines of the Bush doctrine. The latest grumbles and rumors from the McCain campaign are that Palin, while running for VP, has simultaneously set her greedy eyes (with "power eyeware") on the 2012 election.

This just underscores McCain's poor judgement in the people he has surrounded himself with during the campaign and his hasty/sloppy vetting process - and the lunacy of Sarah Palin. McCain now has to deal with Palin, the rogue elephant and a maverick... (the monster he helped create???)... or perhaps the bull in the McCain china the shop.

Palin just can't play second fiddle - SHE IS THE STAR....

see also

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