Saturday, November 22, 2008

Co-President Hillary!!! and Prez Emeritus, Bill

What a bold and imaginative choice is Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State. Having lost the nomination for president, Hillary - with all of her uncontainable ambition - can play at being Secretary of State in the Obama administration, while still coveting and angling for the oval office. (By the way, after the very bad experience with Bush 41 and Bush 43, I have a new rule: Only ONE PRESIDENCY per family, please!! - surely there are other talented people in this nation who could fill high offices besides the Bushes and the Clintons. Or could I be wrong about the talent pool???)

Another plus: ex-Prez Bill Clinton could be right there at the Department of State with Hillary! Bill could take that 3 a.m. phone call if Hillary is otherwise occupied. He could say something like "Hillary's not here, this is Bill Clinton. Can I help you?" He could offer unsolicited foreign policy advice, for free. Two for the price of one!!! This is all providing that Bill is successfully vetted by the transition team and gets rid of all his international clients, his business interests and other conflicts of interest. This will be a neat trick to watch. In this regard, one is reminded, almost immediately, of the money connection involving the Marc Rich pardon and the Clinton Presidential Library. Money from Marc Rich was being funneled to Hillary's campaign for Senate in 2000, apparently, and to the campaigns of other Clinton friends. My guess is that lots of money was being funneled to then-Senate candidate Hillary via then-Prez Bill - just a wild guess. After a while, it all gets pretty darn incestuous and political inbreeding becomes rampant...

International money (not money from U.S. citizens and voters) and corporate money has been dumped - in the manner of a slush fund - into the Clinton Library largely because, unlike federal campaign contributions, these contributions are completely unregulated and unreported. I recall the question of money going to the Clinton Library being asked of Hillary by Tim Russert in one of the primary debates and Hillary dodged it.

But who in this country doesn't want to see 8 more years of Hillary and Bill in Washington and on the nightly news?

No doubt, as well, will the question of the lobbying and influence of Hillary's brothers, Hugh Rodham and Tony. But then again, the Senate might just overlook all this nasty stuff during Hillary's confirmation hearings and will rubber stamp "approved" for one of their own.

That reminds me: what of Hillary's confirmation hearings? Will the subject of Hillary's support of the war in Iraq be broached by the Senators? Or Hillary's failure to read the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq in 2002 before her vote in October 2002? Did she actually believe what Vice President Dick Cheney was saying about a nuclear bomb in Iraq? Will there be any surprises during the confirmation hearings? etc...

Finally, I am tempted to ask: what was the point of the longest and most expensive primary in history of the nation, if the one candidate, Obama, was to become president and the other candidate, Hillary, is to become Co-president? Couldn't Obama and Hillary have worked this thing out long ago and saved us all, a lot of time and money? - and lots of debates and campaign commercials? etc...

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