Saturday, August 23, 2008
GOP Fight in NEVADA... McCain In TROUBLE!
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Friday, August 22, 2008
AP article: *8* homes for John McCain
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Cheney aides questioned on forged letter linking Saddam, 9/1
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
McCain Hints at Support for a Military Draft in America
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89% Of Americans Believe President Bush Should Be IMPEACHED!
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
GOD-O-METER on McCain v. Obama @ Saddleback
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More on McCain's stories of captivity, Nightingale's Song
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Rev. Barry Lynn on Saddleback: Biased and Big Mistake
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Despite Assurances, McCain Wasn’t in a ‘Cone of
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Saddleback Debate was closed to the general public
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Monday, August 18, 2008
Despite Assurances, McCain Wasn’t in a ‘Cone of
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McCain Cheated at Church Forum
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Saddleback Pastor Admits McCain Could Have Heard Questions
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NYT Backs Up NBC: McCain Was Not In
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Bill Moyers Interviews Andrew Bacevich
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Why Didn’t McCain Call Ralph Reed To Testify ?
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Saddleback Church charging $500!!! for tickets to CNN debate
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McCain, lawsuit happy, sued ex-wife after affair with Cindy
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
Biker Girls, Sturgis and John McCain
And put those chicks right next to the Christian Conservatives, the bible thumpers, the Republican anti-abortion fanatics, the Mormons for Bush and Romney; the rich-overpaid corporate executives, and George and Laura Bush and Lynne and Dick Cheney????!!!!! what a scene that would be..
I would love to see those chicks in deep and reverent prayer as the convention begins each day.. perhaps kneeling down, heads humbly bowed, hands clasped together with cleavage and mid-drift amply showing!! what a scene that would be...
I would really watch the Republican Convention for that alone..
Pics of McCain Biker Girls
Well let me rephrase the above link: these are "generic" biker girls at the Sturgis rally where John McCain spoke so eloquently!!! enjoy their pictures regardless of their political affiliations or their religious beliefs..
Obama Nation Author To Appear On White Supremacist Radio
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A Letter to Colin Powell
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Friday, August 15, 2008
Crackpot Corsi on Page 1, New York Times
The amazingly bland, meek and timid article was titled
"Book Attacking Obama Hopes to Repeat ’04 Anti-Kerry Feat"
The New York Times, to its discredit, did little or no research into the accuracy of the book. It merely transcribed the trading of accusations and countering responses. Apparently the book is filled with inaccuracies and Corsi has a long history of making wild, warped and hateful accusations at various groups of people (African Americans, Moslems -who he calls ragheads, Catholics). Yet, this crackpot ends up on the frontpage of the New York Times.Even more strangely, Corsi is a 9-11 Truther (i.e. he does not believe that the collapse of the WTC buildings was the result of jet planes crashing into them). Corsi appeared on the Alex Jones show to tout this theory.
On August 17th, Corsi will appear on the white supremicist/ hate show " The Cesspool".
None of the above about Mr. Corsi, was mentioned in the New York Times article
Pretty sad... I guess journalism is a lost profession..
Link to original article:
New York Times Corsi article
Corsi interview on "Cesspool"
Jerome Corsi, smearartist is a 9/11 truther and a racist
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U.S Troops Sealed Detainees in Room Filled with Pepper Spray
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US Troops Abroad Give 6:1 to Obama, 4:1 to Paul over McCain
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
Bush White House on verge of Watergate-type scandal
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Pennsylvania Poll: Obama 44% McCain 36%
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Alleged KBR Rape Victim Sues the U.S.A.
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Rep.Conyers will investigate Bush Admin. Forged Iraq Intell
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Conyers to Probe Bush Admin's Forged Iraq Intel
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Monday, August 11, 2008
Rightwing Thug Michael Savage dumped over autistic remark
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It's OFFICIAL: Bush lied, Senate Committee
Allow me to quote directly from the Senate Committee:
"today (the Committee) unveiled the final two sections of its Phase II report on prewar intelligence. The first report details Administration prewar statements that, on numerous occasions, misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq. The second report details inappropriate, sensitive intelligence activities conducted by the DoD’s Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, without the knowledge of the Intelligence Community or the State Department."
That is damning. In essence, all the stuff that the Bushies were feeding us (by us I mean "we the people", AND the Congress) about Iraq's WMD was either false, misleading or very questionable. V. P. Cheney's bombshell about Iraq working on a nuke was false. Condi Rice's "mushroom cloud" talking point was an extreme exaggeration of the known facts at the time. The strangely imprecise 16-word claim in Bush's State of the Union in 2003 about uranium yellowcake was unverified and unsupported by the evidence.
Even the less scary claims about bio and chemical weapons were wrong. Quoting from a different source, a classified British intelligence document written in 2002, 9 months before the war began:
"It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran."
So now it is official about the "failure" of the WMD intelligence. We don't have to wait for the judgement of historians on Bush and his cabal of Neo-Cons with regard to Iraq. The war decision had been made long before ANY evidence was in (and when the real evidence started coming in and pointed in the wrong direction, it was ignored and buried). All that was needed to start the war was some truthiness - that sounded believable - to back up that fateful and tragic decision.
Senate Intelligence Committee press release:
Senate Intelligence Committee complete Phase II report
Intell Committee Report on DOD Policy Office:
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fallujah Documentary 1 warning graphic
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Saturday, August 9, 2008
Cheney likely ordered 9/11 forgery, CIA official admits
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Dumbya Bush: U.S. Urges Immediate Standown in Georgia
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Friday, August 8, 2008
White House Rebuffs Senate Subpoenas Despite Court Ruling
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U.S. Attorney Scandal Probe Enters White House Circle
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Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sources for White House Forgery Under Pressure to Deny it
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It was a "grave mistake" to blame Saddam for Anthrax attacks
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Note to Obama,Dems: run against 8years of Bush
Keep it simple. Don't get bogged down in complex details of energy policy - people won't understand it anyway. Don't even talk much about John McCain directly. Other people can and will talk about McCain's problems ( I can see the Ron Paul folks doing a great job of this...). This election is not about John McCain personally but a referendum on the past.
Stay away from personality issues (they are really irrelevant anyway) and the racial issue which won't be solved - completely - in this election.
Every week more news surfaces about Republican corruption and incompetence. In the last few weeks, we learned that Republican Senator Ted Stevens was involved in receiving gifts from an oil company. Also, Ron Suskind has just published his book "The Way of the World" which makes several serious accusations against the Bush administration. From another quarter, former Bush press secretary Scott McClellan has accused the White House of sending scripts and talking points to Fox News and other press outlets. Jane Mayer and Seymour Hersch are constantly writing about the abuses and blunders in the secret "war on terror". The list goes on and on. (Bob Woodward has a book coming out in September.)
Just stick to the simple message that people can understand: McCain equals, = , another 4 years of George Bush's policies and FAILURE. Say that you will do everything differently - both in policy and in process. Say that the nation cannot afford 4 more years of corrupt, incompetent, morally bankrupt, dangerous Republican rule.
WaPo speaks:White Hou. Denies Accusations of Document Forgery
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Suskind, Forgery, WMD's, Impeachment, MSM
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Book says White House ordered forgery
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GOP Voting Registration 'TANKS' In Several Critical States
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McCain To Clinton Backer: 'Your Reward Will Be in Heaven'
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Monday, August 4, 2008
What is at stake in November's election
Well, we, in
Presently, we face many serious problems in
Let me say, at this point, that simple tax cutting will not solve these problems. If this were the case, President Ronald Reagan and Governor Engler had fixed this long ago with their slashing of tax rates. No, tax cuts to the wealthy and truly unneedy are not the answer. We have tried that and it has failed.
Now, things in
If there is no change in
Matthew Bumpus just died for a Government that abandoned him
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Sunday, August 3, 2008
Allen Raymond, "How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Rep
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Allen Raymond, "How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Rep
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Saturday, August 2, 2008
John McCain is a racist
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Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News
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1 Month After 9/11, McCain Said Anthrax ‘May Come From Iraq'
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Make McCain Disavow His Dishonest Obama Ad
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Friday, August 1, 2008
Joe Klein: I was wrong to call McCain an honorable man
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McCain Planned To Attack Obama If He Visited Troops Abroad
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GOP congressman hints at support for sending Rove to Jail
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Anthrax scientist allegedly commits suicide as FBI closes in
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Judge rules Bush aides can be subpoenaed
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Ron Paul Followers Vow Fight at Convention
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