Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rep.Conyers will investigate Bush Admin. Forged Iraq Intell

Conyers Announces Review of Allegations of Bush Administration’s Forged Iraq Intelligence today; announced plans to review allegations that senior Bush Administration officials ordered the forgery and dissemination of false intelligence documents as reported by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Ron Suskind, in his new book, "The Way of the World:

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Anonymous said...

Conyers: Has always had an ax to grind with PRESIDENT BUSH.

Komodo said...

I hope Congressman Conyers will follow this investigation wherever it goes and will deal appropriately with those who have put all of us in peril for yet another lie; forged Iraq intelligence.

Unfortunately, because of the concentration of Blue Dog Democrats and the precarious 50-51 balance of power in the 110th Congress, together with a shocking amount of assistance afforded to and by those who have been living their professional and private lives outside any true sense of ethics, morality and the law, we have yet to see any form of redress for high crimes and misdemeanors committed against the United States as well as other peoples and countries of the world.

At some point in the near future, we, as a country,
need to develop some common sense and a backbone to face the truth about what has gone on here at home and abroad, and face the wrongs
with a renewed faith in those principles and institutions that once made America unique and strong, make amends to those we have hurt, and call those who have been culpable to accounting with the fullest measure of justice that our laws and conscience can afford.