Friday, August 15, 2008

Crackpot Corsi on Page 1, New York Times

I am writing this post in a great hurry as I find out about the attack book on Obama by Jerome Corsi. THE NEW YORK TIMES RAN A FRONTPAGE ARTICLE ON THE BOOK which basically amounted to something of a free advertisement for the NYT's readers, generously planted on the first page.

The amazingly bland, meek and timid article was titled

"Book Attacking Obama Hopes to Repeat ’04 Anti-Kerry Feat"

The New York Times, to its discredit, did little or no research into the accuracy of the book. It merely transcribed the trading of accusations and countering responses. Apparently the book is filled with inaccuracies and Corsi has a long history of making wild, warped and hateful accusations at various groups of people (African Americans, Moslems -who he calls ragheads, Catholics). Yet, this crackpot ends up on the frontpage of the New York Times.

Even more strangely, Corsi is a 9-11 Truther (i.e. he does not believe that the collapse of the WTC buildings was the result of jet planes crashing into them). Corsi appeared on the Alex Jones show to tout this theory.

On August 17th, Corsi will appear on the white supremicist/ hate show " The Cesspool".

None of the above about Mr. Corsi, was mentioned in the New York Times article

Pretty sad... I guess journalism is a lost profession..

Link to original article:

New York Times Corsi article

Corsi interview on "Cesspool"

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